Jan Philipp Radtke

and 6 more

Background: 18 years ago Porter and Teisberg published their landmark manuscript on “Redefining Health Care.” As part of the implementation of their Full Cycle of Care, instruments have been developed to achieve value-based medicine, such as consistent commitment to measurability (“benchmarking”). One of these instruments is the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). This is an organizational tool for implementing strategies in institutions, which is constantly being further developed and given new forms of application. The strength of BSCs lies in their ability to integrate multiple perspectives. Here we propose the first BSC for prostate cancer (PC) treatment. Methods: BSC are used to assess performance in healthcare organizations across four dimensions: financial, patient and referrer, process, and learning and development. This study aimed to identify key performance indicators (KPIs) for each perspective. A systematic literature search was conducted using multiple databases and specific search terms to identify KPIs for PC care, excluding case reports, conference abstracts, and editorials, and without assessing methodological quality due to the study’s nature. Results: In the present study, a PC-specific BSC and KPIs were defined for the four classic perspectives, as well as for a newly developed disease and outcome perspective of PC, including patient-related parameters from the German Cancer Society (DKG) and the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM). Conclusions: The developed BSC provides a comprehensive set of perspectives for an Integrated Practice Unit or center in PC care, ensuring that the indicators remain manageable and applicable. The BSC facilitates value creation in line with Porter’s Full Cycle of Care by systematically collecting and providing economic, personnel, and medical results, actions, and indicators.