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Mojtaba Ahmadinejad

and 6 more

IntroductionA volvulus occurs when a segment of intestine, usually part of the colon, twists around its mesentery. Following this rotation, initially venous return is disturbed and causes ischemia caused by venous stasis. With the prolongation of obstruction in the mesenteric vessels, along with the distention of the twisted segment of the intestine due to the progressive production of gas by the bacteria inside it, the arterial input is also disturbed, and the mucosal ischemia gradually progresses towards the muscular and serous layers, leading to perforation of the entire thickness of the intestineSigmoid volvulus accounts for 2% to 5% of colonic obstructions in Western countries and 20% to 50% of colonic obstructions in Eastern countries (1). This occurs mostly in patients with lack of mobility and a history of chronic constipation, where the sigmoid colon becomes chronically distended and redundant.Undescended testis (UDT) is defined as one or both testicles absent in scrotal sac when descending processes become disturbed and testis remains inside the peritoneal cavity (2). There are some very known complications of a undescendent intra-abdominal testicle such as cancer, ischemia and infertility(3); But the rotation of the colon around the spermatic cord of one UDT, it is a very rare phenomenon that there is no similar report.In this article, we introduce a 67-year-old man who underwent laparotomy with the diagnosis of sigmoid volvulus, and the intraoperative findings were surprising.