Nathalie Chardon

and 5 more

Climate change is causing geographic range shifts globally, and understanding the factors that influence species’ range expansions is crucial for predicting future changes in biodiversity. A common, yet untested, assumption in forecasting approaches is that species will shift beyond current range edges into new habitats as they become macroclimatically suitable, even though microhabitat variability could have overriding effects on local population dynamics. We aim to better understand the role of microhabitat in range shifts through its impacts on establishment by i) examining microhabitat variability along large macroclimatic gradients, ii) testing which of these microhabitat variables explain plant recruitment and seedling survival, and iii) predicting microhabitat suitability beyond species range limits. We transplanted seeds of 25 common tree, shrub, forb, and graminoid species across and beyond their current elevational ranges in the Washington Cascade Range, USA, along a large elevational gradient spanning a broad range of macroclimates. Over five years, we recorded recruitment, survival, and microhabitat characteristics rarely measured in biogeographic studies. We asked whether microhabitat variables correlate with elevation, which variables drive species establishment, and whether microhabitat variables important for establishment are already suitable beyond leading range limits. We found that only 30% of microhabitat parameters covaried in the expected way with elevation. We further observed extremely low recruitment and moderate seedling survival in our study system, and these were generally only weakly explained by microhabitat. Moreover, species and life stages responded in contrasting ways to soil biota, soil moisture, temperature, and snow duration. Microhabitat suitability predictions suggest that distribution shifts are likely to be species-specific, as different species have different suitabilities, and availabilities, of microhabitat beyond their present ranges, thus calling into question large-scale macroclimatic projections that will miss such complexities. We encourage further research on species responses to microhabitat and the inclusion of microhabitat in range shift forecasts.
Understanding the strength and predictability of changes in global biodiversity is critical for quantifying how taxa will respond to global change. By analyzing the relationships in population trends among taxa exposed to both biotic and abiotic pressures, we may be able to discern these patterns, potentially facilitating the formulation of predictive frameworks for their future shifts. However, the extent to which these pressures can describe changes in abundances over large spatial and temporal scales is vastly understudied. We use two global datasets containing abundance time-series (BioTIME) and biotic interactions (GloBI) to fit a series of hierarchical models testing whether the yearly change in abundance of any given genus is associated with the yearly change in abundance of another geographically proximal genus (i.e. genus pairs) within the same study. We then use posterior predictive modeling to assess the predictive accuracy for each genus pair from the modeled output. Finally, we test how associations and predictive accuracy are influenced by site latitude, GloBI interactions, disturbance, time-series length, and taxonomic classification to assess what ecological factors explain differences in associations and/or predictability. Generally, we find that abundance changes between genus pairs tend to be neutral to weakly positively associated over time and have good predictive accuracy as long as yearly changes in abundance are not exceedingly large (<=39%). Associations and predictive accuracy across genus pairs vary systematically across ecological factors and taxonomic identity, increasing with longer time-series, towards the equator, and in disturbed habitats. Our results show that global time-series data can illustrate meaningful, albeit variable, relationships between genera and that these patterns are shaped by known ecological factors. Overall, this suggests that by incorporating broad and accessible ecological information, we can improve forecast methods to mitigate biodiversity loss in an era of global change.