Sliding indents of hard coatings: analysis of failure morphologies and intermediate fracture energies
- A S Bhattacharyya

A S Bhattacharyya

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Central University of Jharkhand, Centre of Excellence in Green and Efficient Energy Technology (CoE GEET, Central University of Jharkhand
Corresponding Author:[email protected]
Author ProfileAbstract
Sliding tests both in micro and nano level were done on hard coatings developed on silicon substrates and 304SS substrates using magnetron sputtering. Different types of failure morphologies manifested themselves and were found to be a function of substrate, indenter, loading nature apert from the coating. Linear profiles of the failed segments along with analysis of the scratch track were done which provided a qualitative depiction of adhesive, wear and abrasive properties of the coatings useful for their heavy duty and microelectronic applications