Ajay Arunachalam

and 1 more

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networking have a lot of practical applicability’s over the years. File storage and resource sharing are few key areas among the others where such peered network architecture is widely successful. The common building block for P2P networking is to store or locate an identifiable resource, for which there are basically 3 approaches namely (1) local storage/broadcast search (2) global storage/local search (3) distributed storage/distributed search. With the development of mobile hardware and wireless technology, it further became feasible to use mobile devices in these P2P networks. This computing architecture is widely used in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) for building content sharing applications. Search algorithm and file transfer schemes are the basic components of such content sharing systems. In this article, we provide a brief overview of the resource discovery approaches for peer-to-peer file sharing applications over MANET. We analyze and classify the search techniques into 4 broad schemes, mainly the flooding-based schemes, Distributed Hash Table (DHT) based schemes, advertisement-based schemes, and social network-based schemes. The pros and cons of each technique is summarized. Further, a one-to-one comparison is done across the classes for quick interpretation. We also outline the various issues, and complications that should be taken into consideration while designing any resource discovery algorithm. Further, we briefly discuss the security threats, and present state-of-the-art countermeasures for it. Also, we highlight some important guidelines that need to be focused while designing efficient file sharing applications and services in Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) enabled networks. Comprehensive and in-depth assessments of the related approaches are presented providing clear insights for the future research directions.

Ajay Arunachalam

and 1 more

Resource discovery is an important fundamental aspect and a crucial task in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks (MP2P). To compliment network dynamics and churn, the unstructured search architecture is widely used. The key goal of an efficient search scheme is to find the required resource with minimal search latency, low overhead, and low power consumption to better suit the nature of mobile nodes where resource constraints are the major bottleneck. Resource discovery thus becomes an integral part of the distributed architecture and resource sharing systems. In the past, many resource discovery strategies are proposed for Mobile P2P networks. A schematic and tabular classification of these systems enables one to review the existing works under one umbrella. This article presents an overview of such several different schemes for performing resource discovery in the MP2P network broadly classified under six different categories, i.e., centralized, unstructured, structured, super node based, hybrid, and other general lookup schemes. We also give a brief comparison of P2P, MANET, and P2P MANETs. Further, we discuss various routing schemes in such an evolving network. In this survey, we study and review the existing resource discovery techniques in MP2P systems. The classification of each scheme with their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. We highlight a few open research issues, and brief the role of network topology and its structure on the performance of the resource search protocols. Further, we also glimpse on the security threats in MP2P networks and suggest their countermeasures. And, finally, a summary of each method is given, along with their lookup complexities.