Distributed ledger technology (DLT) provides decentralized and tamper-resistant data storage, replicated among mutually untrusting participants. With the advancement of this technology, different privacy-preserving blockchains have been proposed, such as Corda, Hyperledger Fabric, and Digital Asset’s Canton. These distributed ledgers only provide \emph{partial consistency}, which implies that participants can view the same ledger differently. A \emph{view} represents the states of a blockchain available to a particular stakeholder. The combination of views forms an integrated view that represents a consistent global state shared by all participants. This paper introduces BUNGEE (Blockchain UNifier view GEnErator), the first DLT view generator, to allow capturing DLT snapshots, constructing views, and performing arbitrary operations on those, such as integrating views. Creating and integrating views allows interesting applications, such as stakeholder-centric snapshots for audits, cross-chain analysis, blockchain migration, and data analytics.