In this article, the current status of a novel mi- crowave quantum radar (MQR) based on quantum illumination (QI) protocol using a Josephson traveling-wave parametric am- plifier (JTWPA) as a quantum source of broadband microwave entangled photons for detecting very low cross-radar section objects is described. Microwave entangled signal-idler pairs at 3.3 GHz and 3.45 GHz are generated, respectively, with a wide bandwidth equal to 3 GHz, a power gain equal to 15.3 dB, and a noise temperature close to the standard quantum limit (SQL) at cryogenic temperatures. A phase conjugate receiver is used as a joint detection scheme for entangled signal-idler pairs, and the expected performance of the scheme in terms of the corresponding receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is obtained. These results in terms of maximum dynamic bandwidth and ROC candidate our proposed scheme towards a long-range target detection MQR.