Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), have developed as a means of facilitating communication between vehicles and the infrastructure around them. A basis for numerous applications aiming at enhancing traffic management, infotainment services, and road safety is provided by VANETs, which use wireless communication technologies to permit the transmission of information between vehicles. A dynamic and self-organizing network can be created by vehicles having onboard communication tools like sensors, GPS receivers, and wireless transceivers. Vehicle-to- Vehicle (V2V) or Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication is made possible by this network, which also enables vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. The foundation of VANETs is the integration of V2V and V2I communication, which enables effective data distribution and collaborative decision-making among infrastructure and vehicles. The primary motivation behind VANETs is to enhance road safety. VANETs can greatly minimise the danger of collisions and increase traffic efficiency by letting vehicles to communicate real-time information about traffic conditions, road hazards, and potential accidents. Additionally, VANETs provide potential for cutting-edge driver assistance technologies like intersection management and collision avoidance, which improve the security and dependability of the transportation system. To ensure the effectiveness and dependability of VANETs, a number of issues related to their deployment must be resolved. The main problems with VANETs are highlighted in this paper along with the solutions developed by researchers and industry professionals.