The risk of cascading failures in power electronic systems is mitigated by detecting damaged semiconductor devices before energizing power circuits. Existing fault diagnostic approaches require the energization of the power circuit and/or specialized sensing and conditioning arrangements. In this paper, a technique to detect faulty MOSFET switching cells, prior to power-loop energization and using no additional hardware, is proposed. The proposed method exploits a gate driver-induced residual voltage (GIRV), appearing across the de-energized DC terminals of a switching cell, to distinguish between healthy and damaged cells and thus, identify failures. To quantify the GIRV, the operation of a de-energized switching cell is analyzed in the time domain. Short-circuit, open-circuit, and gate failure conditions are then analyzed and the implementation of the GIRV-based failure detection scheme outlined. The proposed scheme can be implemented using only the MOSFET gate drivers and a DC bus voltage sensor. The analysis of the GIRV is verified in circuit simulations and experiments. Further, the proposed failure detection scheme is experimentally validated on existing hardware by modifying the software start-up routines.