This paper introduces a protocol for quantum communication that employs entangled and separable pairs of particles, enabling classical information transmission without the need for classical communication between the parties. In this system, one party, Alice, manipulates the entanglement degree of photon pairs within two distinct channels, |ψ⟩ 1 and |ψ⟩ 2. The other party, Bob, subsequently measures the state of these photons. This study uses the entanglement status of each photon pair to encode classical bits: entangled pairs |00⟩ + |11⟩ represent the bit '1', while separable pairs |00⟩ represent '0'. The proposed protocol incorporates a secondary quantum channel that enhances entanglement determination accuracy through additional measurements and phase shifts. The proposed approach stands apart from conventional quantum teleportation, which requires inter-party classical communication, by only requiring an internal classical link at the receiver's end for entanglement status resolution. The proposed method offers benefits when classical communication implementation is impractical or costly. The research highlights the potential of a fully quantum-based communication system, bridging the gap between quantum entanglement and quantum teleportation in a novel, pragmatic manner. While there is a need for improvements to enhance efficiency, security, and reliability, the proposed protocol offers a promising path for future explorations in quantum channel communication.