Geophilosophy is a spatial concept that will be applied as a supplement to the geographical method, in order to better understand the historical-geographical development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter BiH), its political-geographical evolution and the dialectic of regional geographical forms[1]. This was achieved through the application of the postmodernist concept of geophilosophy, which was created by Deleuze and Guattari at the end of their scientific careers[2]. From their philosophical point of view, Tampio (2014), Protevi (2010), Paar (2010) and others wrote about their work. This concept also has its geographical dimension, and significant works have been written about it by Woodward (2017), Bonta (2010), Peet (1998) and others. The purpose of this paper refers to the attempt to simplify the presentation of cyclical historical-geographical processes on the territory of BiH, which can be explained by the correctness of the origin and development of certain geophilosophical processes. Therefore, the organization of this paper is supported by the elaboration of the terms territorialization, deterritorialization and reterritorialization. Finally, the conclusions indicate the coincidence of these geophilosophical processes with the historical-geographical phases in the development of BiH: prehistory = territorialization; ancient period = deterritorialization and medieval period = reterritorialization.   [1] The historical-geographical framework for this manuscript is ​​the second part of the book: G. Mutabdžija, Regional Geography of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016 [2] Deleuze and Guattari, What is Philosophy?, 1994.