Frequency coupling between impedances causes misleading stability assessment through single coordinate Bode plots (dd− and qq− axes) for power electronics-dominated systems. To perform accurate stability analysis, it is crucial to incorporate this frequency coupling. Traditionally, the accurate stability of such coupled systems is analysed using a Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) framework, which involves employing the generalized Nyquist plot to assess the stability. However, if the coupling strength in these systems could be quantified and used to correct the diagonal elements of the MIMO system, the stability evaluation could be greatly simplified using single coordinate Bode plots. This paper introduces exactly that - a corrective factor based on a quantified frequency coupling parameter, known as coupling strength. This approach allows MIMO systems to be analysed within a Single-Input-Single-Output (SISO) framework. The corrective factor ensures simpler and precise analysis using single coordinate Bode plots. The effects of frequency coupling can be directly observed in the Bode plots of the diagonal elements of the corrected MIMO system matrix. Additionally, this method provides an accurate estimation of resonance frequencies and stability margins by direct inspection of the Bode plots. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the proposed stability assessment technique.