Co-pilots are AI chatbot agents powered by LLMs, designed to assist users with complex tasks through interactive, natural language guidance. As sensor data becomes more prevalent, its limited insights can be enhanced by LLMs' reasoning capabilities. We envision sensor data co-pilots that transform sparse data into meaningful, interactive descriptions, helping users make informed decisions. By analyzing contributions from devices within defined proxemic zones-considering spatial relationships between users and devices-these co-pilots serve as intuitive interfaces for various applications. For example, in smart homes, a sensor data co-pilot could clarify energy consumption, suggest optimizations, or warn of unusual activity. This user-centered approach helps individuals navigate and comprehend their environments seamlessly. We predict sensor data co-pilots will be essential for existing and emerging technologies, enhancing user interactions and increasing adoption and retention of pervasive devices. As they evolve, these co-pilots will unify sensor data and AI, advancing the vision of transparent, pervasive computing.