An efficient Least Significant Bits (LSB) removal (scaling by a power-of-2) solution in the Residue Number System (RNS) with 2's power residue |𝒙| 𝟐 𝒎 is proposed, which includes flooring, rounding, and ceiling. This LSB removal solution is similar to that in regular binary system, and even with lower latency. This LSB removal solution does not need sign detection and even/odd detection. It also does not alter the base, or the moduli set of the RNS. The only requirement for this solution is no even modulus in the moduli set of the RNS. This paper also describes three alternative algorithms to produce the 2's power residue |𝒙| 𝟐 𝒎. Alternative-3 is the best of three, with which all the operations associated with the 2's power residue |𝒙| 𝟐 𝒎 are efficient 2's power modulo operations.